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Misleading view claims for Ravinia

I purchased ticket to a concert at the Ravinia venue in Chicago. I’d not been there before. The general lawn admission claims ‘clear view of the show’ and the image shows a view from just outside the pavilion without any people (as during a show when there is a standing crowd there straining to see the stage. In face, you CANNOT see the stage from the lawn and MOST lawn seats do not even have a view of the pavillion! Moreover, the lawn sound system is a general PA system, not much louder than having a radio. No screens to even show the stage (other than a TV screen in a bar area 1-200 yards away).

Stubhub needs to correct this. At Ravinia, lawn tickets offer NO view of the show and poor audio. You are paying $hundreds to have a picnic on a super crowded lawn with some background music. You’re not seeing a show.
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