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All MarielA's Badges

MarielA has earned 5 badges!
  • Completed Registration
    Completed Registration
    Earned by 176,928
    It's official - welcome to the StubHub Community! Earn badges for interacting with other fans like you!
  • First Reply
    First Reply
    Earned by 30,900
    Congrats on posting your first reply - keep it up to earn new badges!
  • First Kudos Given
    First Kudos Given
    Earned by 8,967
    Well done - you've given your first kudos!
  • First Kudos Received
    First Kudos Received
    Earned by 8,972
    You've received your first kudos! The more you receive, the more badges you'll earn!
  • Two Thumbs Up
    Two Thumbs Up
    Earned by 382
    Two thumbs WAY up - you've received 10 kudos!