We all know that some teams/venues are VERY vindictive if they find out you've resold your tickets, for example the New England Patriots will permanently revoke your season tickets if they find they've been resold. Therefore sometimes it's not in our best interest to include enough info in our listings - i.e. exact Section/Row/Seat #'s - to where teams can positively identify them. Keeping that in mind, when listing PDF's for Instant Download Stubhub currently gives us two options: A. List them with full exact identifing info, i.e. exact Section/Row/Seat #'s, OR B. List them with exact Section/Row but instead of putting in the exact Seat #'s you instead put in GA1, GA2 etc Unfortunately there's a problem with that second option. Some potential buyers are confused when they see GA1, GA2 etc and think, "Oh hell, those are some kind of wacky General Admission tickets where I won't even have an assigned seat, I don't want to buy those!!!" I can't count the number of times I've seen seats clearly inferior to mine sell faster and for more money, and the only logical explanation is my listing had GA1, GA2 etc while the others included the actual Seat #'s. A simple solution is to give us the option to leave the Seat #'s totally blank when listing tickets for Instant Download, we're already allowed to do this when choosing Electronic Delivery as a delivery option so why not for Instant Download?
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