Ughł 1 Google Stubhub sold me ticket within 2C X All Images News Videos Short videos shoppin : Al Overview If Stubhub sold you a ticket within 20 hours of a performance, and you were unable to resell it due to their policy prohibiting sales within 48 hours of the event, then you may have a valid complaint with Stubhub as they sold you a ticket too close to the event date to allow for resale, potentially causing you financial loss. Key points to consider: Stubhub's Resale Policy: Most ticket marketplaces, including Stubhub, have a policy preventing the resale of tickets within a certain timeframe (usually 24-48 hours) before the event to avoid last-minute issues. Potential for Misrepresentation: If the platform sold you a ticket with such a short time frame before the event without clearly notifying you about the resale restrictions, it could be considered a form of misrepresentation.
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