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Buyer beware, tickets are not guaranteed

I recently bought tickets for a concert. Since I was under the impression tickets are guaranteed on StubHub I made reservations to stay at a local hotel where the concert was being held as the venue was a 2 hour drive from my location. Long story short, the venue advised the resale tickets on StubHub were purchased by a fraudulent credit card and was denied entry.  After notifying StubHub of the situation they did there investigation and begin the refund process but took no accountability on my travel expense or time. If you are selling tickets that are suppose to be guarantee why no accountability, anyone else has had this experience? Just want to caution all buyers of my situation and experience. 


Re: Buyer beware, tickets are not guaranteed

I just literally had 1 ticket of 3 stolen back by the seller to have StubHub coerce me into transferring the other tickets back to them promising replacement tickets for the same or better level seats. I honestly think that because I bought the tickets at face value and now they are 8 times more they just wanted me to give them back so they could make more money on them. I will NEVER use stubhub ever again. I spent 2 + hours trying to correct this with no resolution that wasn’t my fault in the first place. Now I’m so disappointed and sad because they were a gift for my daughter.
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