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Huge disappointment

Horrible experience. After taking the $700+ I paid 3 months in advance for concert tickets I was gifting to others, StubHub informs me via email that I may not receive my tickets until close to the date of event. Frustrating start. Months pass, it’s the week of the event, and I still have not received the tickets. I call StubHub and they say they can’t do anything, they are just a reseller, and according to their policy tickets will not even be “late” until 3 hours before the event. (This is buried in their fine print.) They nevertheless assure me on the phone that I will get my tickets by that time and they are coming from a seller with a very high satisfaction rating, So I wait. Three hours before the concert, I still have no tickets. I call StubHub and they offer what they call “similar” tickets. At this point StubHub knows the ticket purchasers and users are under extreme time pressure and have no good options. A refund is not a good option when people have been planning for a concert for months, already traveling to it etc. I accept the StubHub representation that the tickets are actually similar and accept the replacement tickets option. But StubHub totally disappoints. The tickets were NOT similar. I had purchased for $700 first row, center section tickets. StubHub’s replacement tickets were BEHIND THE STAGE. I called and received no compensation for the significant difference in quality. StubHub ripped me off, and thanks to StubHub I disappointed the people for whom I had bought the tickets as a gift.
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