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Refund Request for Fraudulent Purchase



I have experienced an absolutely brutal form of customer service today with StubHub.    After having successfully used the service many times over the past decade to purchase mostly sports tickets, my account was somehow hacked this morning at 6:30 with 4 attempts to purchase football tickets and a parking pass.   3 of them were flagged and denied by my credit card (thank you Citi Mastercard), but somehow the 4th went through.   I called Stubhub within hours of this happening, figuring they would see the mistake, apologize for the inconvenience in a meaningful way, and credit my card back while giving the tickets back to whoever had them posted for sale.   NOPE - none of those things happened.  Instead, the customer service agents would not refund the purchase, would not admit any issues had occurred and pushed me to do a dispute with my credit card instead.


Is this normal?  How does Stubhub itself not push through a refund on a BS purchase like this?  How do they not see a history of positive experiences with a client and make things right instantly?     Who is going to use these tickets while my "dispute" processes (the game is Thursday night and the tickets are in my Stubhub account - what a joke!).


Not sure if this is a good forum to post this story - but in doing some Google searches, I am seeing that my extremely frustrating experience is all-too-normal.   Stubhub lost a good customer today... and probably many more as I continue to share this story with the BBB and within my network.   If they are going to waste my time... I will happily ensure theirs is spent too.

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Re: Refund Request for Fraudulent Purchase

am going through this with Stub Hub now customer service denied refund stated they found no fraud as I called them after the event. I explained to them I was unaware until I saw my emails the next morning and tickets were purchased just minutes before the event. If I dispute with my bank they’ll issue a temporary credit but once stub hub tells them the same thing the credit won’t stay n my account. I’ve sent an email to Eric Baker the CEO/President but now 3 days and no reply. This is very frustrating and I’m not giving up as I did not authorize these charges. Have you had any luck
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