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Seat Row Incorrect on Receipt/Text

Purchased 5 tickets to Lions versus Buffalo Bills and arrived at event and accessed venue with no issues.  Went to seats with no issue BUT midway through 1st quarter and a couple arrives and shows me their receipt that indicates we were in their seats.  I look at receipt and low and behold it shows proper section, row and seats on both of our receipts.  They were going to go to Venue Services to check but as we kept talking we both decided to look at GET TICKETS and discovered that GET TICKETS for me showed Row 18 instead of Row 19 as was indicated on email and receipt.  Dont' see how I can provide feedback to Stubhub to inform them of this error.

Community Log-In Changes May 1st
We are changing the way you register and sign-in to the StubHub Community. After the switch, you will enter the email address you use to access the community in order to reset your password. You will enter your community username and new password and done!

Read about the changes here