In November 2024 I purchased a ticket to the WM open in Phx in March 2025. In my confirmation e-mail it clearly says that my ticket would be delivered on March 7 via Fed Ex, the day before the event. This evening I received an e-mail saying that I can pick up the ticket on the day of the event at a hotel and the hotel address. This is not what I agreed to when I purchased my ticket. If it was, I would not have purchased from the Seller. It is not convenient for me to go to a hotel in the early morning hours 30 minutes from my home to pick up the ticket. There is no info on the ticket of where to pick up the ticket once I get to the hotel. As a woman, I don't feel comfortable showing up a hotel to pick up the ticket. Are Sellers vetted for criminal background? The e-mail that I received today said that if I had any issues to call StubHub Customer Service. I did and the rep tried to explain to me what I already knew, that the Seller had changed to sale terms. I asked for either the Seller to standby their original sale terms or my money back. The rep, while agreeing to reach out to the Seller, seemed to think that the Seller could do what they wanted and that StubHub would have no involvement. This is my first and last experience with StubHub. I should have learned from a friends experience over the summer when she never received tickets to an event and spent a weekend trying to get her money back while also missing the event.
Update to my original post. I have spoken to StubHub customer service 3 times. All 3 times I was told that they would try to contact the Seller in order to have my tickets Federal Expressed to me. Two times I have been told to wait for them to e-mai or call me. Nada. Today I was told that they don't have a phone number for the Seller so they have to e-mail him. AH, you tried that the last two times I called? Yes? Henry, the person I spoke with today seems to think he is going to have resolution by the end of the day and that "he will call me". HMM, where have I heard that before? In response to my original post, someone from StubHub contacted me via that Community. I provided that person with my facts AND my original e-mail saying that my tickets would be Fed Exed to me. Silence.