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Who’s selling out a few tickets to Zayn Malik show tonight in San Francisco California!

Hello! Everyone I’m Kiara Marie and I’m From Jacksonville Florida and I’m writing to you guys because I have been trying since Sunday to get tickets to Zayn Malik’s show tonight in San Francisco and so I have been trying to call radio stations etc to see if they call back saying that they’re going to help me get tickets but no that hasn’t happen then I decided to go on Tik Tok to basically write a letter to Zayn Malik and telling him about my situation with fake profiles impersonating him and going to each fan account like mine asking if I could give out 300 hundred for a fake fan card in order to have the access to his show and that happened to me yesterday so I was very very heartbroken and it’s been a lot for My mom specially because she’s the one trying to get me a few tickets for me and my friends to come to the show tonight in San Francisco so I hope that someone out here is selling out a few tickets to the show tonight and yeah so my dream can become reality today and I understand this is last minute but if there’s someone out here selling a few tickets reach out to my mom at her phone number 904-894-3879 or her email thank you 🙂
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