- Event Name
- Event Date
- Link to the event on our site
- A link to a correct map (if you have one)
We will report all issues to our Mapping team, but due to the volume of requests, we won't be able to respond to any posts on this board.
We ask that you refrain from doubling up on requests by posting here and private messaging us if you haven't received a response.
Rest assured, if it's being posted here, it is being reported right away.
Our mapping team works in order of event date, which can cause delays with resolution, but we appreciate your patience as we work to get all of these fixes completed right away.
Thank you!
What can I submit? |
What should I NOT submit? |
Will I get a follow-up? |
No, all requests are reported automatically. |
How are my Requests prioritized? |
Requests are algorithmically prioritized by inventory levels, historical sales data and proximity to the event date. |
Wrong map: https://www.stubhub.com/sunny-day-real-estate-montreal-tickets-5-28-2025/event/157539451/
Map should have reserved seating balcony
Freedom Mortage Pavillion, Camden, NJ is still not fixed after E-mail and postings. Please look after this. https://www.waterfrontamphitheater.com/seating-chart/
Hi team,
Seeking your assistance to make the section Mezzanine interactive on Stubhub map for the following event;
Sarah Millican
Mesa Arts Center - Ikeda Theater|Mesa, AZ
Sat, Nov 08, 2025, 8:00 PM
Stubhub link: https 😕 /www .stubhub.com/sarah-millican-mesa-tickets-11-8-2025/event/156391166/
Primary link: https://mesaartscenter.com/SarahMillican
Hi team,
Seeking your assistance to make the Mezzanine section interactive on Stubhub map for the following event;
Ninja Kidz Live
Winspear Opera House|Dallas, TX
Tue, Jun 17, 2025, 7:00 PM
Stubhub link: https :// www.stubhub.com/ninja-kidz-live -infinite-possibilities-dallas-tickets-6-17-2025/event/156...
Primary link: https://attpac.org/event/ninja-kidz
Hi team,
Seeking your assistance to make the Loge Left Center section interactive on Stub map for the following event;
Fortune Feimster
Berglund Center|Roanoke, VA
Fri, May 02, 2025, 7:00 PM
Stubhub link: https:// www. stubhub. com/fortune-feimster-roanoke-tickets-5-2-2025/event/156403618/?quantity=0&bet...
Primary link: https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/98420756/fortune-feimstertakincare-of-biscuits-tour-roanoke-berglund-p...
Hi team,
Seeking your assistance to make the 1st tier section interactive on Stubhub map for the following event;
Evgeny Kissin
Davies Symphony Hall|San Francisco, CA
Sun, Apr 20, 2025, 7:30 PM
Stubhub link: https: //www. stubhub.com /evgeny-kissin-san -francisco-tickets-4-20-2025/event/153515354/?quantity=...
Primary link: https://www.sfsymphony.org/seatme/single?id=22611
Hi team,
Seeking your assistance to update the Stubhub map for the following event;
Universoul Circus
EverBank Stadium|Jacksonville, FLThu, Apr 03, 2025, 7:00 PM
Stubhub link: http s://www.s tubhub.com/universoul-circus-jacksonville-tickets-4-3-2025/event/157382341 /
Primary link: https://www.ticketmaster.com/universoul-circus-jacksonville-florida-04-03-2025/event/2200624D0519331...
Hi team,
Seeking your assistance to update the Stubhub map for the following event;
Universoul Circus
EverBank Stadium|Jacksonville, FLSun, Apr 06, 2025, 12:00 PM
Stubhub link: htt ps ://www.s tubhub. com/universoul-circus-jacksonville-tickets-4-6-2025/event/157382361/
Primary link: https://www.ticketmaster.com/universoul-circus-jacksonville-florida-04-06-2025/event/2200624D0523332...
Hi team,
Seeking your assistance to add the LAWN section on Stubhhub map for the following event;
James Taylor
Filene Center at Wolf Trap|Vienna, VA
Thu, Aug 21, 2025, 8:00 PM
Stubhub link: https ://www .stub hub.com/james-taylor-vienna-tickets-8-21-2025/event/157254280/?quantity=0&priceOption=1%2C501%2C5610.55§ions=1583003&ticketClasses=376&rows=&seats=&seatTypes=&listingQty=
Primary link: https:// mpv.tickets.com/?agency=WTFV_PLAGENCY_MPV&orgid=44689&pid=9524219&_gl=1*1glpycl*_gcl_au*MTU...
Hi team,
Seeking your assistance to make the Floor 1 section interactive on Stubhub map for the following event;
Allstate Arena|Rosemont, IL
Fri, Aug 01, 2025, 8:00 PM
Stubhub link: https: // www. stubhub.com/ghost-band-rosemont-tickets-8-1-2025/event/155980329/?quantity=0
Primary link: https://www.ticketmaster.com/ghost-skeletour-world-tour-2025-rosemont-illinois-08-01-2025/event/0 40...