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Pit Crew

No Track Maps for Acura Grand Prix Long Beach

For the Acura Grand Prix on April 11-12-13, there are no track maps. Therefore, we cannot list specific seating because the only maps are General Admission. Friday is completely GA. Saturday is GA & Reserved. Sunday is SRO for GA, & Reserved. There are no parking maps either. A map needs to be created with Pike, Shoreline, and Marina Parking. All of this was in order for 2024. Please make this right, as I've been making requests for the last month. Thank you 

Community Log-In Changes May 1st
We are changing the way you register and sign-in to the StubHub Community. After the switch, you will enter the email address you use to access the community in order to reset your password. You will enter your community username and new password and done!

Read about the changes here