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Unable to Print Shipping Label

I was excited to make a sale yesterday, first sale in a while but I've sold a few sets of tickets here.


Logged into my account this morning to print the shipping label.  I received an error message multiple times and was unable to print the label.  Now there is no option to reprint the label, and my tickets are being sold as "shipped" which I can tell you they have not been.


Called customer service and they were also unable to access a label for me.  They asked me to purchase my own label, upload proof to them and I will be reimbursed.  First of all, this sounds sketchy.  Second of all, I have no way to access the buyer name and address.  So how do I even know where to ship?  How would StubHub be able to link this new tracking number to the purchase?


I want to make my buyer happy - I'm sure StubHub wants that as well.  But this all seems backwards to me.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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