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Backup Singer

StubHub Glitch?

I recently purchased tickets to the Ohio State playoff game. I thought I was purchasing club section 4 seats, which have a chair back and are close to the field. I went thru the purchase steps on the app and when complete it said tickets in section 4C. I didn’t think that sounded right so I went and hit the “back” button after purchasing to see the listing again. The listing had club section 4 with a screen shot of my approximate view that showed us close to the field. I took a screen shot of this. The screen shot has all the same details as the tickets provided to me (row, seats, price) except for the section which is now the C Deck. At the time I couldn’t believe the price so I also went to the website and have historical links that will likely show someone on the internal side that these tickets were showing club section rather than the Upper C deck. At the time there were several listed and it seemed odd but I thought prices might be falling due to the impending weather and that I was at the right place and right time. I believe this to be a glitch but when I call customer service, they tell me I need proof of the purchased tickets in the club section?! I asked them to research the listing I have a screen shot of because I’m willing to bet there isn’t one that matches. I was planning to take my young son but due to health issues he won’t be able to sit in the upper deck. Is there anyone at StubHub that can help me by explaining my screen shot? It almost feels like they think I’m lying but how else would I get the picture that aligns perfectly with the wrong tickets delivered?
Backup Singer

Re: StubHub Glitch?

After doing some research and reaching out to other people on social media there are other instances of this occurring  with people who attempted to buy tickets in the same section but receiving upper deck tickets.  Fortunately, this individual has screenshots of the listing before and after with timestamps to prove this occurred.  I will post those photos for the public to see.

Backup Singer

Re: StubHub Glitch?

HereOriginal Listing.jpegReceipt.jpegOrder Confirmation.jpegText with order.jpeg

Backup Singer

Re: StubHub Glitch?

The screen shots above are time stamped and show verifiable evicdence where Stubhub had a listing in Club Section 4, those tickets were purchased, and then section 4C was sent.  That is exactly what happened to me.  I have a screen shot that shows Club Section 4 and then the same exact details of the ticket located in section 4C.  Stubhub is telling me that is no verifiable information to show I purchased in the listed section?  How is it not verifiable?  It comes directly from the Stubhub App.  This is very concerning because I saw multiple people on X having this same issue.  Stubhub has yet to resolve my issue with a refund.

Backup Singer

Re: StubHub Glitch?

SC Original Listing.jpegSC Order Details.png

Backup Singer

Re: StubHub Glitch?

I am sharing this in hopes that others don't fall victim to the false advertising and when purchasing, take screenshots and keep evidence of all ticket purchases.

Backup Singer

Re: StubHub Glitch?

After all the evidence I submitted showing the listing for tickets I purchased in club section and ultimately given upper deck and showing how I’m not the only one who this has happened to, StubHub denied me a refund. If purchasing tickets, do not trust the StubHub app listing or website listing. Take screen shots of what you buy as evidence because without it they don’t care. They never once provided evidence to me showing the listing I purchased from was actually the upper deck rather than what my screen shot showed as club section. This was a Christmas gift for my 10yr old son and they simply do not care or want to abide by their commitments. All I requested was a refund and they denied it.
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