My listing #6702429794 is filtered out by default despite being the cheapest tix for month and instant download. I've never sold tickets before, can anyone tell me why this is @TeamStubHub1
The concert is next week and I don't want to get stuck with tickets I can't use
Be sure the "recommended tickets" filter is turned off when viewing the tickets. Most likely that's why they're not showing up.
I'm not concerned about seeing them myself, I'm asking why mine aren't recommended which is likely causing them to not sell after sitting there for months at the cheapest price
If I recall correctly, if your tickets aren't the cheapest in your row, they won't show up with the filter. If they're the cheapest in your row, I'm not sure why they aren't showing up.
This is not correct, in my experience -- I currently have GA / Floor tickets for a Billy Strings show listed for $120 each and there are several other listings for the same seats at both higher AND lower prices that are showing up in the default search even though mine are not. (I.e., a listing for the exact same seats priced at $600 are showing up as "recommended tickets" even though my $120 tickets are not. It's GA so all seats in this section are exactly the same.)
It's frustrating and smells like SH giving an unfair advantage to certain preferred brokers, but the SH rep I chatted with told me that the filters are different for each user, so my seats might show up in someone else's search even if they weren't showing up in mine. Not sure I buy that because I checked from several different browsers (not logged in) and got the exact same results. I asked for a better explanation but couldn't really get one. Doesn't seem like a good experience for the buyer OR seller to have this as a default search setting that most people aren't aware of, but I'm sure it's benefitting StubHub somehow.
I have general admission tickets listed right now at $83 each and they're not recommended, while someone else is selling them for over $300 each and their listing IS recommended. Both of us allow purchasing any number of tickets: mine is 1-2 and theirs is 1-4. There are no parking or VIP add-ons or anything else to distinguish my tickets from their tickets.
I wonder if StubHub is giving preferential treatment to large-volume brokers and I wonder if what they're doing is legal.
There are talks of a class-action lawsuit on reddit, and I'm thinking of helping one come to be.