Can someone help me understand why my listing is being filtered out by the "recommended Tickets" filter? ( that most users don't know is set automatically) They are cheaper than many in the section, lower in the section than many, and on an aisle? I called StubHub support, and they were no help at all.
I understand what you are saying, but it is not about me being able to see them, it is about potential buyers. As of today, my tickets are on a aisle, instant download, and priced at $85, and are not "recommended". ( no others in the same row) Tickets in the same section, 2 rows higher, not on the aisle, and not instant download priced at $500 ( yes 5 times higher) ARE recommended. I'll never use stubhub again to sell, or buy for that matter.
Smells like fraud and/or racketeering, but I'm no lawyer, just someone who's had to throw tickets in the trash (metaphorically speaking as they were digital tickets) because they never sold because most users didn't know a fair deal was available if only they had known to disable the recommended listings filter.