I purchased 4 tickets for Pearl Jam in Atlanta on April 29 on StubHub. In the process, nowhere was it noted that the original buyer would have to meet me to let me into the venue (and there still isn't - you can still buy them without any notification of this - it is only noted on the bottom of the receipt emailed to you - and by then it is too late to cancel). I can't relist them as I don't have the tickets.
1. how could the original buyer possibly meet me if Stubhub does not connect us.
2. i get they have fan protection - but would I physically have to try to get into the concert before this is triggered (as in fly from Canada to Atlanta to try to get in?)
I have contacted stubhub countless times on this - they keep telling me i can relist them (but it keeps getting rejected), and then they tell me i am protected. But there are no clear answers. Truly the worst site. Has anyone else had this issue, and are there any suggestions for a resolution? @Pearljammer @pearljammer73 @CanadianSeller Please help!