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Day of Event Ticket Transfer

Is it normal for someone to not release tickets until the day of the event?  I appreciate the 100% StubHub guarantee, but the "guaranteed refund" for hundreds of dollars worth of tickets is less than appealing when I need to travel 8 hours and spend thousands of dollars in travel costs to get to the AWAY game that the seller won't release the tickets until 4 hours before the event.  I would like the tickets before I have to travel.

New User

Re: Day of Event Ticket Transfer

I am having the same problem with tickets I purchased from stubhub.  The tickets won’t be delivered until the day of the event.  I realized that I was unable to attend the event, so I re-listed the tickets. The tickets sold & stubhub wants the barcode number so they can notify the new buyer.  I have no barcode number since i don’t have the tickets.  Stubhub’s customer service is not helpful, as they keep “parroting” back that I will receive the tickets “sometime before the event”.  Stubhub should REQUIRE sellers to provide listed tickets a minimum of 48 hours prior to the event.  


Re: Day of Event Ticket Transfer

If you used the reslist button on your order, you will not be penalized if you don't get your original tickets.  You should call Stubhub and make sure to request help for tickets your selling (not buying) and explain the situation.  They can mark your listing internally so it shows you're waiting for the tickets from your seller.


I will say, I'm going through an issue right now where I relisted tickets I bought on SH, they sold, but I never got invalid tickets.  It has been a huge pain to try and get them to refund the order

Team Mascot

Re: Day of Event Ticket Transfer

This just happened to me over the weekend.  Purchased tickets for Minnesota Vikings vs Detroit Lions and never received my tickets.  I didn't get any emails from the time I purchased tickets or about a ticket transfer and I haven't been able to talk to anyone about getting my money back!!!!!


Re: Day of Event Ticket Transfer

This should be a fairly straightforward case.  (I hope!) Call the stubhub number and in the automated questions, tell them you're event is today.  When you're connected with someone, explain you never got the tix.  They should have a record too that they were never marked as delivered.


My case was more complex and it took me 8 weeks to get resolved.  I literally finally lucked into a customer support person who was actually willing to work on it.  This was after calling every single week multiple times for 8 weeks and getting nowhere.


Anyway, hopefully getting a refund for tickets that were never delivered should be easier.  


Re: Day of Event Ticket Transfer

I bought my quite expensive tickets October 9, 2024.   The confirmation surprisingly said the tickets will be delivered on the day of the event, February 15, 2025.   Has anyone had successful day of event ticket delivery far in advance like this?  I am traveling by air cross country and incurring several days of hotel costs, plus socially obligated with a group to join the event.  Stubhub customer service continues to promise me the tickets (mobile tickets) will be delivered by 7am on February 15.   I am perplexed and worried that the tickets may not arrive.  Customer service says the only recourse is to apply for a refund if they don't arrive, suggesting Stubhub does not have service to replace tickets in time.   Furthermore Stubhub's confirmation had an erroneous event date of October 15, 2024 which customer service acknowledges is erroneous but their account statement for me online has not been corrected, which causes further worry that the tickets may not arrive. 


Re: Day of Event Ticket Transfer

I purchased these tickets for my husbands birthday (today) in JUNE. I kept following up on the app and was told, the seller has until the day of the event to provide the tickets. All day I checked and contacted customer service where they told me I’m guaranteed to get them, of alternates for the same event. Well, we drove over an hour to the event, paid for parking for the Pantages (which if you’re familiar with LA, you understand it’s horrible and expensive!), and followed instructions to wait until 6:20pm (the show started at 6:30pm). Still nothing, so immediately I was connected to a live rep this time. He apologized and told me he called the seller and couldn’t reach them so I could get a refund or alternative tickets for the same event. Of course I chose the sand event for a different day. I asked if I was guaranteed THIS event and he said yes. He sent the link and told me I should see it in 10 minutes. I received the email and clicked the alternative ticket link. Which told me there there are no suitable alternative tickets. I called customer service back and spoke to a female, Shay. Who again apologized and told me I could get a refund. Great. I at least expect that but that’s not enough. This should not happen! We drove out there, paid good parking and had a ruined birthday all for your horrible process. For tickets purchase in JUNE! I asked to speak to a manager and was told let me get you an email or contact number. Which she came back and directed me here instead. What kind of BS. You can’t even speak to anyone to complain. You had to write about it in a community for the app/company your complaining about. Seems like this will fall on deaf ears.

Re: Day of Event Ticket Transfer

One thing that’s crazy to me about your experience is that they told you to come here. Suppprt reps used to help with cases here. You would post and they would PM you to help. But that stopped a month or so ago and there is no customer support through these forums or through stubhubs “help” twitter account. I think this forum is mostly people complaint into the void.

Your situation is horrible but unfortunately is not uncommon. It used to be that stubhub gave you a date of delivery when you purchased tickets and if the tickets weren’t delivered by that date, which often was way before the event, you could get replacements then. Now, in all cases, sellers have until three hours before the event before stubhub will step in. And, as you experienced, for many events by that point there are no tickets left for replacements.

It’s just not practical to depend on stubhub orders when an event requires travel etc. I usually only will buy tickets on stubhub now if it’s an event that won’t be super inconvenient if i never get the tickets.

Re: Day of Event Ticket Transfer

Dealing with this now. Bought tickets for an event last night. Seller never released the tickets but nowhere on Stubhub’s site do they tell you how long sellers have to release them (sounds like from a call I had it’s 7 hours before the event) but was told I’d get an email from StubHub with the option to purchase more tickets for the same price or request a 3 hours, the day of the event. I was suspicious from the get go so I went ahead and was fortunate there were still tickets left to buy and I bought 2 more, of course for more money and StubHub said they have no way to offer me a discount or anything, I just needed to pay the higher price (for their seller not coming through). They never sent an email. The rep called me back to say they gave the sellers and extra hour to respond (meanwhile, this is after 3 pm, event is at 7). Surprise surprise no email still from them and it’s the next day, the event is over. My card was charged for the original purchase where I never received tickets. I’m now on hold going on over 60 minutes trying to get them to refund my money for tickets that were never released to me for an event that is over. The rep actually told me it was my responsibility to call them 1 hour before the event?!?!?! We were traveling/entering the event on the second set of tickets I purchased one hour before. How is it MY responsibility to do anything? I verbalized on the phone the day of the event that I purchased other tickets and will want a refund for these but I guess that didn’t count. Really truly terrible service placing responsibility on the buyer after taking my money for seller not coming through, not offering replacement tickets as promised or a refund and NO email as they told me I’d receive. The one rep yesterday was nice but their system and policies are truly baffling to me. I’d be very wary if your event is nearing and tickets haven’t been released. Thank goodness I didn’t trust their site saying they almost always transfer in time for your event. Truly a horrible customer service experience.

Re: Day of Event Ticket Transfer

They used to have very good customer service and be really good about replacing tickets or refunding you when things went wrong.  But, it is the complete opposite now.  The gamble with Stubhub is:  Usually things are fine.  But, in my experience about 10-15% of the time, you don't receive an order or receive the wrong tickets.  In those cases, it is now an absolute nightmare to deal with Stubhub customer service.  At a very minimum, it will take you about an hour or more on the phone.  You would think at most companies, in that situation the customer service attitude would be something like:  "Hey, your order with us got messed up, so let me fix it for you with the least inconvenience to you."  But, no.  Stubhub customer service literally does not care that you're already in a position where you didn't get what you paid for. They keep you on hold, take a long time to resolve the situation, and often make you call back and again and again to get a refund or replacement tickets.


Recently I didn't receive tickets I bought for an event.  3 hours before the event (which is the minimum time for them to even start looking into it), I called and they told me they'd send me a link to select replacement tickets right after the call.  Never got it.  I called 2 hours before the event, 1 hour, and then as it was starting.  Each time they told me they were sending the link immediately and I never got it.  Then of course, the next day I had to call back and spend an hour on the phone to get a refund.


tl;dr - Stubhub customer service is the worst ever since they were acquired.  Buy at your own risk and know that if things go wrong, it will be a huge pain to get your money back.

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